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Tea Blogs

HOW tea brewing conditions influence the chemical composition of tea liquid

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The value of drinking tea is achieved through the dissolution of water. Tea polyphenols, caffeine, amino acids and other ingredients constitute the basis of the special flavor of the tea. The composition of tea liquid will be affected by water quality, water temperature, infusion time, tea ratio and other factors. If brewing green tea with different water quality, the water quality at high pH value and high ion concentration will cause the total individual catechins content decreases, which is mainly caused by the decrease of EGC and EGCG content, however, there are no significant differences in the content of both...

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Why 3 g of tea, 150 cc of water, 6 minutes?

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Why does Fong Mong Tea suggest international standard 3 g of tea, 150 cc of water, 6 minutes to brew tea?  Human’s sensory organs are subjective. In order to objectively evaluate teas, it is necessary to minimize the external environmental impacts to present the tea liquor in the same way.  ISO 3103 is a standard developed by the International Standardization Organization (ISO), which specifies a standardized tea brewing method, derived from the standard BS 6008:1980 developed by the British Standards Association (BSI) in 1980.  The significance of this standard is not to develop an appropriate method of tea brewing, but to...

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How to Choose and Buy Teas

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Many thanks to TRES (Tea Research and Extension Station) for the quick link with the complete explanation:    

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Is it necessary to rinse your tea? (Refer to Taiwanese teas)

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In order to avoid eating pesticides, is it relatively safe to rinse the tea?  In order to remove the dust and pesticide residues attached to the surface of the tea in the picking and manufacturing process, many people will pour off the first infusion (rinse the tea) when tea first brewed, which is called as "warm up tea" or “wake up tea” by tea enthusiasts. In fact, in order to rinse and uncurl the tea, to discard the first infusion of tea liquor, is not only unnecessary but also a waste of a lot of good healthy ingredients. Dr. Tea, Xu...

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Will drinking tea suffer lithiasis (stones)?

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Drinking tea may suffer lithiasis such as Urinary tract stones (kidney stones, urinary stones, bladder stones), which comes with a basis that drinking tea in a large volume may Increase the chance of forming calcium oxalate stones due to the ingredients such as oxalic acid, tannic acid, and theobromine in tea. Oxalic acid and calcium in food formed into calcium oxalate after combination. Calcium oxalate is exactly the main component of stones. The tea itself can crystallize and store the oxalic acid in the cells through the calcium oxalate. The tea contains little amount of oxalic acid, while the caffeine...

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